Capt. Rich reported another bang up job on the big fluke with yet another double digit pool fish that tipped the scales at 11lbs. For those who are wondering what the 11lbr succombed to, it was a 2z glow spro jig. For those with really good memory of my fishing reports, back in 2008 a 13.2lb fluke taken off the breachway also succombed to a glow spro as well although it was a 3z. Eerie isn’t it? There were several other fish at or over 8lbs and the majority of the nearly 100 keepers boated were in the jumbo catagory. There were several limits and a good number of anglers walked off the boat with several nice fish apiece. All terminal gear seemed to work equally well today although dragged baits seemed to have an edge. Customers were treated to some extra sport with a nice bunch of hard fighting alligator blues who found the angler’s fluke offerings irresistable. Last but not least plenty of out ot season sea bass to toss back as well. Capt. Rich looks forward to another good day tomorrow with the Gail Frances set to sail at 7am.
Capt. Mike reported the PM half day was most certainly better than the AM half day. The PM half day saw a much better drift condtion and a nice mix of keeprs and plenty of shorts with the biggest fluke on the PM half day a fine 6lb slab. Next brace of half days slated for tomorrow with Capt. Mike running the first at 8am and the second at 1pm. Remember for those who do back to back trips, we will gladly take five dollars off the second trip.
Capt. Ray reported his full day fluke charter along the beach found a handful of nice keepers and a load of shorts today. Still plenty of prime dates available for charter this summer so call the office for pricing and booking details..