Capt. Chris reported the combo trip last night was much better than the night before with a first drift that produced several nice size fluke and then on the anchor the scup and sea bass were a bit more cooperative with most anglers going home with several nice size scup apiece and upwards to a half dozen good size sea bass apiece. Biggest sea bass easily in the four pound range. For the squid side of things, one angler filled three quaters of a five gallon pail by night’s end. The squid were everywhere just like the night before and were increasingly more cooperative as the night went on. Night combo trips sail Friday and Saturday Night by reservation.
Capt. Ray reported good Striper fishing last night with a nice number of good size Stripers up to nearly 25lbs with several other good size bass in the high teens and a nice amount of ten pound blue fish and one nice fluke to add some variety. There were several anglers who were limited out on the Stripers last night. Plenty of room on tonight’s Striper trip and other than the chance for a few scattered showers the weather looks just great so call the office to book if interested in going this evening.
Capt. Mike is out on the local cod grounds and we are highly aticipating his report later this afternoon. The general thought process is that more cod trips may becoming a more regular thing here at the Frances Fleet with the likelyhood of a regular Sunday cod trip increasing. Stay tuned for more details as they become available!