Captain Richie reported much improved fishing aboard the Gail Frances today. While the fluke where fewer in number, relative to the rest of the summer, the pool winner still weighed in at a respectable 8.5 lbs. Most other fluke were in the 3-4 lb range, though there were several around 6 lbs, as well. The black seabass where quite prominent on today’s trip; most left with 6-7 seabass and several anglers had their limit. Seabass averaged upwards of 3 lbs. Giant scup to 3 lbs kept anglers busy, too. To top things off, several bluefish graced coolers, as well. The fish didn’t seem too choosy today: All terminal gear was effective in landing quality fish.
The Gail Frances will sail tomorrow at 7am for another good day of fishing!