Capt. Rich reported a good day of fishing today on the 7am full day boat. A lot of nice fluke taken with at least a half dozen fish over 5lbs and the best up to 7lbs. Hi hook took home five nice fluke! Awesome for a mid September day! Anglers also had plenty of good size sea bass with some anglers getting upwards to 8 to 10 good size sea bass apiece. A few handfuls of good size scup to top things off. On Yesterday’s 7am full day boat there was also an impressive number of fluke to 5lbs and a nice mess of good size sea bass up to 4lbs and a big mess of super size scup to nearly 3lbs. Capt. Rich plans to set sail tomorrow morning at 7am on the Gail Frances for mixed bag bottom fishing hoping for more good albeit very late season fluking!
Capt. Ray reported a good day of porgy fishing today. The best bite was first thing this morning but anglers picked throughout the day. Not quite the size we had been used to the past few days but still very good fishing with at least a few limit catches and some super size platters up to and over 2lbs. Some hefty sea bass and a couple triggerfish to add some variety along with one or two blue fish to provide a bit of extra sport. The Admiral Frances will be set to sail tomorrow morning with Capt. Chris at 8am for scup.
On yesterday’s scup trip there were a few more details that I thought were worth posting. On the 13th it was a two drift day and there were also a lot of good size triggerfish mixed in, even a double header of triggers! There were also plenty of big sea bass to nearly 5lbs and a few blue fish to keep things interesting as well.