Capt. Rich reported a good day of fishing overall this Columbus Day Holiday. We went a different direction today and the first few drifts found a pick of nice size jumbo sea bass and some big porgies but not much in the way of cod until an anchor set late in the trip when we found em! They were not big but they were relatively eager and were the day savers in the cod department. All nice market fish with a few nicer green fish into the lower teens. It was a cast and work the bottom type of anchor set (old school cod guys need no explanation on this). Roger quickly accumulated 7 nice market cod while Longtime regular Jimmy from Ozone Park NY quickly put five nice fish in his box while Willie, his fishing partner and one of the best cod fishermen Roger has had the pleasure to fish with ocasionally over the past 25 years, had several fine cod in his cooler. Both Jimmy and Willie also had a nice selection of platter size scup and a few good size sea bass to go along with their cod. Chris Konkol had four nice cod, some big scup and a few good size sea bass and a very nice blue fish to make for a great catch today while Sandra Tompkins also had several nice market cod to take home for some fine dining in the near future. One hook with bait and no color down by the sinker was the way to go today for the best numbers and size. Some super size ocean perch in the mix as well with a few of them pushing the two pound mark! Anyway while we did not have the size of day’s past we put a day together and the weather was simply divine! Capt. Rich looks forward to more great fishing in the weeks to come and right now Wendesday looks like a great day to go out and anchor up for cod with the Gail Frances set to sail at 7am.
The word from first mate Derek on the Porgy and Sea Bass trip today was of excellent action with the biggest kind of porgies, some of which went upwards to and even a bit over 3lbs! There were at least a few limit catches and the average according to Derek was a solid 25 fish a man. Less in the way of sea bass today but there were at least some good ones and anglers also caught and released a few short cod fish and short fluke. Tomorrow is the last day of full day Porgy fishing of this fall season with the Admiral Frances set to sail at 8am with Capt. Ray. Remember folks that starting on Wednesday and continuing through December 31st anglers can still keep up to 10 scup apiece that measure 11 inches or greater in length which will be a nice additon on the cod/sea bass trips and the early part of the black fish season which gets underway this coming Saturday at 6am.
Details from the Columbus Day Weekend Tuna trip which returned back this afternoon was of the capture of a massive Bigeye Tuna that according to deckhand Cote tipped the scales at nearly 350lbs. Cote also reported a nice mix of good size Albacore and Yellowfin Tunas but not in the quantity they had hoped for and also that several other big Tuna were hooked but never made it into the boat. There was word of yet another Blue Marlin caught and released. Any further details will be supplied once available but overall a respectable trip. Still two Tuna trips upcoming. This coming weekends trip sets sail Saturday morning at 7am and there is still plenty of space available with another possible trip a week from this coming Thursday (10/20-21) leaving at 7am both trips weather permitting of course.