Capt. Rich reported things much improved over yesterday on the cod/sea bass trip. We had more cod today with most of the anglers aboard going home with a cod or two or three and everyone had good numbers of nice size sea bass and a few anglers easily had their twelve fish limit. All nice green cod but nothing big with the best in the low teens and the sea bass ranged up to around four pounds. A fine pollock in the high teens as well today. A few ocean perch and a few big scup today as well. A very soft bite today but a more consistent one at that. Everyone left with plenty of fresh fish for some good meals to come! We try again tomorrow with a nice weather forecast and Capt. Rich will be set to sail at 7am aboard the Gail Frances. Pics posted today are courtesy of Roger.
Capt. Mike reported another fine day of local tog fishing. Some anglers did very well and some did not do as well but tog are tricky crustacean crushing critters who are well known for their bait steeling powers. Anthony Ludano from Manchester CT was pleased with his fine limit of nice tog while Connie Tu from West Warwick RI had five fine tog including the 9lb pool winner. There were a few other limit catches and there were also a decent number of shorts to keep anglers amused between the keepers. Some nice sea bass and a few nice scup to round out the day’s action as well. Capt. Mike ready to set sail on the Lady Frances at 6am.