Capt. Mike reported another good day of local togging today on the Lady Frances. There were quite a few limits taken but nothing big. Best was probably around six or maybe seven pounds. Roger was excited that today was the day that the first two keeper cod came aboard with one of them taken by none other than Capt. Mike himself! Way to go Capt. Mike! In fact the first fish on the boat today was a fine green cod taken very very close to home. Plenty of short black fish in between the keepers to make things busy and for good measure anglers also had a nice assortment of good size sea bass with a few anglers getting upwards to a half dozen apiece on the sea bass in addition to the tog. Crabs produced the best for the keeper tog but some were taken on clams today. Both clams and crabs will be provided for bait on tog trips this fall. Some pictures courtesy Roger and Chris Konkol will be posted above today’s fishing report. Capt. Mike looks forward to another good day of togging tomorrow with the Lady Frances set to sail at 6am. Do not forget about Cod and Sea Bass as Capt. Rich will be ready to set sail on the Gail Frances at 7am for those tasty bottom critters.