Capt. Ray and Capt. George were both out on the beach after squid last night and both boats had excellent success with squid. They remarked that it seemed like a different ocean compared to about a week ago. The phrases “loaded up” and “pretty dam good!” were used in the brief synopsis available at this writing. More details to follow! The quantities per angler varied wildly from angler to angler but two anglers together teamed up for a full four gallon pail and they were busy working on a second. Another angler had two thirds of a pail and so on. The sizes were mixed including equal amounts of smaller squid and plenty of bigger tubes to 18 inches! We are wildly enthusiastic about this rapid upturn in the local squid fishing and hope this is a trend for several weeks to come! Photo courtesy Capt. Matt. Capt. Ray is ready to set sail for squid tonight at 7pm on the Lady Frances, plenty of room available so call the office today to make a reservation!