Roger reported the first half day of the 2012 season met with excellent success!! The first two hour drift of the day was reminiscent of the great beach fishing of recent years with one quality fluke after another and several mates scurrying all around the boat with nets in hand. A nice smattering of good size sea bass in the mix as well with several in the three to five pound range. Two biggest fluke of the day were 6 and 6.5lbs respectively. A number of other fluke threatening the 4lb mark. Once the tide changed however half way through the morning it became wind against tide and the action slowed to a crawl. Nevertheless a good start to the half day season and Capt. Mike is getting ready to go back out on the 1pm half day. As a reminder we are offering an ever bigger discount on the back to back half days with $15 off the second half day. Obviously we will not be able to sign the blue frequent trip cards for the second discounted trip. Still a very full day of fishing for $65!!( rod rental is additional per the listed rod rental fee per trip, so that would make it $75) Plus it’s usually shallow water and busy fishing with about the same amount of soak time as on the 7am to 4pm outing!