Capt. Rich reported the day started with a BANG!!! The first drift was awesome with nice fluke and some big sea bass coming up all around the boat and then we encountered a drift disconnect for the rest of the day with the ensuing results which go along with. Pool fish was just under 8lbs according to Capt. Rich. Biggest sea bass around 4lbs. There was one fluke limit and a few other anglers that had around a half dozen or so apiece. Some porgies and a few blue fish mixed in today as well and it was more in the way of fluke than sea bass for those keeping score. Still all in all a respectable day. Capt. Rich looks forward to another fishing day tomorrow that should feature NO LACK OF DRIFT AT ALL!! The Gail Frances sets sail at 7am.
Sounds like the AM half day was better than the mid afternoon half day and of course word is not yet available on the evening half day. The AM trip featured a great catch of keeper fluke to 5.5lbs and a nice showing of sea bass that complimented the keeper fluke really well. Half days for tomorrow are set to sail at 8am and 4pm. We are all aware of the forecast down this way for tomorrow and the morning trip should not have any weather worries and we will keep an eye on the latest weather updates for the 4pm half day trip.
Capt. Ray is on his way to the rip for Stripers. A great week of fishing in general last week. A fresh Bass report to be up tomorrow morning.