A couple of photo hi lights from last night’s fishing trip aboard the Lady Frances. Photos courtesy longtime regular customer Ginny Reed.
Owner Christine Blount reported the fishing was a little on the gentle side this morning. A handful of nice fluke and some good size sea bass were managed for a nice turnout of half day fishers. A couple pictures showcasing angler hi lights courtesy Christine. A healthy turnout of fishers this afternoon found the fluke a bit more cooperative than this morning. A half dozen or more jumbo fluke in the 5 to 7 lb range came aboard with the biggest falling victim to a white buck tail tipped with squid/spearing combo fished by Don Delliber from Warren CT and that fine summer flounder tipped the scales at just under 8 lbs. A decent amount of good size sea bass too. Two half days on tap for tomorrow and both are scheduled to be on the Lady Frances with the first set to sail at 8am and the second at 1pm. Back to back half days can net an angler a $15 discount off the second outing. Photo of Don’s fish courtesy Roger.
Capt. Rich and first mate Chris L reported a steady pick of nice size fluke to 7 lbs and easy boat limit of sea bass to four pounds, a few big scup and one blue fish today. There was a relatively light crowd aboard today and drift conditions were rated as just okay so for the amount of fish taken the day gets a solid rating. Hi hook took home six nice fluke and there were others who boxed several good size flat fish apiece. Looks like more great fishing weather tomorrow and Capt. Matt will be at the helm of the Gail Frances ready to set sail at 7 am. A couple pictures today provided courtesy longtime regular customer John R.