With great sadness we would like to inform you of the passing of Joe. He and his beloved wife Cindy were regular fisherman with not only the Frances Fleet but many others up and down the East coast. His friendly demeanor and his fishing talents will be missed by all .
Captain Rich reported a decent day on the full day fluke boat. It was a grind all day but by days end we put a catch together. High hook had 4 keeper fluke and everyone left with a sea bass limit. Mr Pak was out today and caught the right fish for the pool yet again. We managed about 35 keepers fluke yo 8 pounds. We will try again tomorrow at 7am.
Both half days today produced a good showing of sea bass and some fluke. Many more shorts seemed to moving in to the area and keeping the rods bent. We will have both trips tomorrow at 8am and 1pm.