We will have plenty of room on tomorrows fluke marathon trip. We will be sailing at 5am for fluke and sea bass.
Captain Matt reported a very solided day on the Cod marathon. We sailed with great drifting weather and it finally paid off. We have talked about when one of these days we will have a drift. WE set the boat lose on a nice .7 drift and the fish started to come over the rail. High hookboxed 8 keeper cod to 20 pounds. We had 5 fish over 15 pounds. We had some nice sea bass and ling in the mix as well. We have one last marathon ion Aug 25th.
Captain Rich reported an okay day on the fluke boat. We never had a drift over .3 all day. We picked away on some nice sea bass and quality fluke. High hook had 4 keeper fluke and a limit of sea bass. There is no 7-4 fluke boat tomorrow only the 5-5 trip