We have our night squid/ sea bass combo trip leaving tonight at 7pm. We have a few spots left on it. We have been having decent catches on all of the trips.
Tomorrow Saturday 8/15 there will be no full day trip.
Captain Rich reported a very solid day on the full day boat. We had a solid drift all day and the fish were hungry. We had a full boat limit of bomber sea bass to 5 pounds. There was a good pick of fluke on every drift. Many limits around the boat with many anglers having 3-5 each. No full day tomorrow.
Captain Greg reported a good catch on the morning half day trip. The sea bass were hungry yet again. We picked away on nice blue humped sea bass for the whole morning. More fluke we have been seeing as well. A good 3-5 per drift made for a good catch by mornings end. Sailing tomorrow at 8am but we are sold out