Capt. Rich was pleased to report another big day on the fluke grounds. There were many limit catches and again there were a lot of big fluke well over 5lbs with the days best tipping the scales at nearly 11lbs. Do not worry Mr. Pak your fish on Thursday is still the biggest so far this season! Most terminal gear was effective with both bait rigs and bucktails proving effective. Tomorrow the weather looks great and Capt. Mike looks forward to another good day on the fluke grounds setting sail on the Lady Frances at 7am.
Unfortunately there is no squid trip tonight. Too bad as the fishing is still great and so would have been the weather this evening. Reservations are mandatory for squid fishing, calling back to make sure the boat is going without a reservation does not count as a reservation. Anyway we try again for Wednesday evening with Capt. Ray setting sail on the Lady Frances at 7pm. If interested call the office to reserve.