The ocean waters off our coast are exposed to warm water eddies that break off from the Gulf Stream. Waters in mid-summer can reach temperatures in the high 70’s. It is in these warm waters where the majestic Finback Whales come to feed. On your whale watch trip, you might see other whales such as Humpbacks, Minke, Pilot, False Killer, and even a Sperm whale. The warm waters also attract giant ocean sunfish, sharks, Portuguese man of war, and loggerhead turtles also might be seen, as well as many varieties of dolphin. The dolphins are so exciting to see and many times “race” along with the boat and play in our bow or stern wake. There are also many wonderful types of pelagic birds to view during the trip.
Whales are an endangered species and are protected by Federal Regulations. Whale watching on a boat is one of the only places that you can see these magnificent animals in their natural habitat. While whale watching you are a “guest” visiting their natural environment, so you must consider every trip an expedition rather than a sightseeing excursion. Whether or not you sight these marvelous creatures is entirely up to the whales. This is truly a trip for all ages.

Season: June 27th thru Sept 3rd.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Time: Departing at 1:00 PM ~ Returning 5:30 PM
Prices: Adults $65 / Seniors $60 / Children (12 & under) $55
Family day specials are on Tuesday and Fridays. Book 2 adults and 2 children (12 and under) for $185.
Please note: Mother Nature is unpredictable and while our captain and crew does everything possible to locate these magnificent creatures, there are occasional days where there are no sightings. In the event that whales or dolphins are not spotted, customers will receive a voucher for a free repeat trip OR a discount off of a deep-sea fishing trip. These vouchers do not expire and can be used any time in the future. These vouchers are not redeemable for cash. There will be NO cash refunds for lack of sightings

Heavy fog, high, winds or high seas may cause us to cancel a whale watch. We do our best to notify first by email then phone. Be sure to use a number that you can be reached at if here on vacation.
Our passengers’ safety and comfort are a priority so if any questions please call ahead.
Whales are an endangered species and are protected by Federal Regulations. Whale watching on a boat is one of the only places that you can see these magnificent animals in their natural habitat. While whale watching you are a “guest” visiting their natural environment, so you must consider every trip an expedition rather than a sightseeing excursion. Whether or not you sight these marvelous creatures is entirely up to the whales. This is truly a trip for all ages. In the words of one happy customer, the trips are “Explosionary!” … “Not only relaxing, but very therapeutic.” Don’t miss out! Bring the whole family along on a WHALE WATCHING ADVENTURE sailing out of the Port of Galilee!