Full Day Fluke and Black Sea Bass
The 7am to 4pm Jumbo Fluke trip has become the most popular summer full day fishing trip at the Frances Fleet. It offers a great opportunity for the novice and experienced angler alike to seek out their favorite warm water flatfish, the Fluke (aka summer flounder. These trips not only provide an excellent shot at a full bag limit of one of the finest eating fish along the Rhode Island coastline but also provide the angler with a good chance of boating a doormat (fluke over 8lbs). Most seasons see quite a few fish brought to rest on the deck of the Gail Frances that scale 10 lbs and higher! When in season, this trip also offers the opportunity to catch black sea bass. Best of all, the seabass are readily and easily taken on all the same terminal gear used in the drift fishing for big fluke. There are many new jig styles that are very productive with the black sea bass. Big porgies, red hake, bonito, monk fish, blues, striped bass and even a cod or two have been taken on these outings as well.

RI Fluke Regulations:
Season May 1 – Dec 31
6 fish limit, 19″ minimum.
Black Seabass:
June 18th-Aug 30th 2 fish 16″
Sept. 1 – Dec. 31 6 fish, 16″
Season: May 3 – September 19
Prices: Adults $120.00 Children (12 & under) $80.00
Rod rental: $10.00
Times: Sailing DAILY 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tackle: 4-12 oz. sinkers, 5/0 hooks, jigs
30-50 lb. test mono or braid line
Bait: Squid and spearing (provided)
Cod Fishing
Winter Cod Fishing: trips sail DAILY (January – April) at 5:00 a.m. or earlier (when an early bites makes an earlier departure necessary) is a great way to beat the winter doldrums and during this time of year the cod tend to school up in large shoals south and east of Block Island. With frequent schools of bait on the grounds, especially early in the season, jigs frequently tend to work as well as clams.
Spring Cod Fishing: Usually 7am but Call For Sailing Time. (April – May) Fishing this time of year has in general been quite productive, as more and more bait shows up to the cod grounds drawing schools of hungry cod. The cod tend to be quite active this time of year chasing the bait, with jigs and clams in general, about equally productive. As the water warms up a bit other species like Mackerel, Ocean Pout, Pollock and Ocean Perch begin to be more frequently intercepted by anglers along with the Cod fish.
Fall Cod and Black sea Bass Fishing: trips feature some of the most exciting bottom fishing of the entire year. The cod fishing this time of year frequently features warmer temperatures for the comfort of the angler and is also historically the best time of year down here to catch a “steak-er” or cod over 20 lbs. As we head into October we begin to see increasing numbers of Jumbo Black Sea Bass with fish up to 5 and even 6 lbs. In addition to the cod and seabass, anglers also catch a wide array of other finfish including but not limited to red hake, Pollock, porgies, and bluefish just to name a few. Fishing areas vary from grounds east and south of Block Island to the infamous Coxes Ledge.

FALL SEASON I: Sailing Daily NO thursday
Sailing Times: 7:00 A.M. – 4:00P.M.
Prices: Adults $135.00, Children (12 and under) $80.00
Rod Rental: $10.00
Tackle: 10-12 sinkers, 5/0 hooks, 40-50 lb test mono line, 10-12 oz jigs
FALL SEASON II: November 1 – December 31 Sailing Daily
Sailing Times: 7:00 A.M. – 4:00P.M.
Times may vary call the office
Prices: Adults $135.00, Children (12 and under) $80.00
Rod Rental: $10.00
Tackle: 10-12 sinkers, 5/0 hooks, 40-50 lb test mono line, 8-12 oz diamond jigs.
Bait: Clams
WINTER SEASON: Jan. 1 – March 31
Sailing DAILY.
Sailing Time: 6:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Prices: Adults $135.00, Children (12 and under) $80.00
Rod Rental: $10.00
Tackle: 10-12 sinkers, 5/0 hooks, 40-50 lb test mono line, 8-12 oz diamond jigs.
Bait: Clams
SPRING SEASON: April 1 – April 30
Sailing Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun., Weather Permitting.
Sailing Time: 7 A.M.
Prices: Adults $135.00, Children (12 and under) $80.00
Rod Rental: $10.00
Tackle: 10-12 sinkers, 5/0 hooks, 40-50 lb test mono or braid line, 10-12 oz jigs
Black Fish/Tautog Fishing
Sailing DAILY!
The popularity of Tautog (blackfish) has been growing every year. They are a blast to catch and are delicious to eat. They are usually caught in shallow waters and they love green crabs, which we use for bait. If you have not gone on one of these trips be sure to give it a try.

RI Regulations: 16″, 5 fish
Season: October 15 – December 31
Prices: Adults $135.00 Children (12 & under) $80.00
Rod rental: $10.00
Times: 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Tackle: 4-10 oz. sinkers, 4/0 hooks, 30 lb. test mono or braid line, Tog jigs 1-4oz
Bait: Green crabs (provided)