Capt. Chris and first mate Nicky Blount reported the combo trip was awesome! The after dark squid fishing was red hot with anglers getting upwards to nearly 100 tubes apiece for hi hooks with others doing 40 to 50 pieces apiece easily. Nothing big but still some good size tubes in the mix and these smaller squid make AMAZING bait and food fare! For those interested in the bottom finfish side of things. A nice mixed bag of scup to nearly 4lbs(21 inches!!!) and sea bass up to 5lbs and a few keeper fluke gave anglers some fine fillets for the table. By far the most productive bait was the fresh caught natural squid but the furnished squid and spearing did the trick as well. Night combo trips sail Friday and Saturday Nights by reservation at 7pm.
Capt. George reported a great evening half day of fishing very locally. The emphasis was on quality with an excellent haul of keeper fluke and most of them being fish over 20 inches with many 4 to 5lbrs taken and the biggest up around 7lbs or a bit better. A good number of anglers had two and three big fluke apiece to take home. A few hefty sea bass and some short fluke, short sea bass and a couple sea robins kept rods bent and anglers attentive at the rail. Two half days slated for today with the first setting sail at 8am and the next at 4pm.
Capt. Ray reported some nice bass to 20lbs and a few blue fish and one nice fluke for a sold out crowd. Plenty of room on tonight’s Striper trip so if interested please call the office to make a reservation.