Capt. Ray reported the Striper fishing was good last night with quality bass to nearly 30lbs going into the box according to first mate Ian. The blue fish also made quite an appearance with the best showing of these hard fighting gamesters yet this season. Still plenty of room on tonight’s Striper trip so give us a call if intersted in booking a spot.
Capt. Chris reported that the combo trip last night which sailed with a scant handful of people got off to a good start with a couple productive drifts that put some quality fluke to nearly 5lbs in the boat. The second part of the night where we anchor up and fish for scup and sea bass did not live up to expectations but anglers did chip away at some nice sea bass and a few good size scup and a few anglers had several of each apiece plus a nice fluke or two each to take home so by the end of the trip there were some nice bags of fillets going home. There was a staggering amount of squid all over the place although for the anglers aboard there was not a tremendous amount of effort put forth in catching them. Those who jigged for a little while managed to get some squid however. All in all an Ok night that did not quite live up to its full potential. Plenty of room on tonight’s combo so call the office if interested in booking as Capt. Chris will be ready to sail on the Gail Frances at 7pm.