Capt. Rich reported a good day of fishing and some beautiful weather to boot on the Gail Frances today. Some nice green cod to ten pounds complimented a great catch of sea bass. There were many limit catches of sea bass once again. Sizes to four pounds or so on the sea bass. Hi hook took home five fine green cod. A few nice porgies, a few red hake, a few nice blue fish, a few ocean perch and plenty of short cod to throw back kept the anglers busy today and complimented the catch of cod and sea bass. Capt. Rich looks forward to more nice weather tomorrow with the Gail Frances set to sail at 7am for cod/sea bass.
Capt. Mike reported a respectable day on the black fish boat. Jacob from LI, NY iced a fine limit of nice size blacks plus a nice cod. A couple other limits as well plus a few anglers who were close and a few more handfuls of mostly green cod. Cod threatening ten pounds took the pool today. Capt. Mike looks forward to more nice weather tomorrow and the Lady Frances will set sail for tog at 6am.