Capt. Mike reported a slow pick but quality fish today. No big numbers but some quality slabs to Anthony Fellela’s 7.5lb pool winner. Anthony hails from Johnston RI. Tomorrow is a new day and Capt. Chris looks forward to another great day of late May weather aboard the Lady Frances setting sail at 7am. Some pics today appear courtesy Capt. Mike.
We are hoping for another great squid trip tonight with Capt. Ray setting sail on the Lady Frances at 7pm. Full report to follow tomorrow morning. Hi hooks last night were working busily on second pails. Just a friendly reminder that due to the large number of predators along the squid grounds we are kindly asking anglers to refrain from fin fishing as to not potentially spook the squid and rather just focus on fishing for the squid. In years past it did not seem to make any difference but for whatever reason this year it does so we must follow the trends. Squid fishing continues weather permitting until further notice Wednesday through Sunday Nights at 7pm.