Capt. Rich reported a good to very good day of fishing overall. A slower drift made things a bit more challenging than in past days regarding the fluke fishing although a respectable number were still boated and some anglers easily managed several nice keepers apiece and some did not. Capt. Rich said the biggest fish of the day was again at or just over ten pounds. For the score keeping crowd out there that is now at least four days of pool fish between 10 and 11.5lbs and for sure there are bigger ones than that to be caught out there!! Capt. Rich however reported the sea bass took up whatever slack the fluke left behind and some anglers just out and out crushed them. Sizes to nearly 5lbs and there were anglers who had double digit scores of big sea bass. Again the numbers per angler varied on the sea bass with some not doing as well as others but safe to say the majority of anglers aboard had enough fluke and or sea bass for a few good meals and many anglers had a lot more than that. The mates did not finish cutting until 5:30pm!! It was overheard that there was some discussion that I might say that today was the trip that the reading audience wishes they had been on but after talking to the crew it sounds like those days were Wednesday and Thursday of this past week. Nevertheless averaged out a very good day and Capt. Rich looks forward to more great summer weather and a new day of fishing tomorrow with the Gail Frances set to sail at 7am.
Capt. Mike reported a very strong day of half day fishing both trips with a much better show of keepers responding to a much better drift scenario. Sizes to 5lbs and a few hefty sea bass mixed in plus plenty of shorts both trips to keep things moving right along. Next brace of half days set for tomorrow with the Lady Frances set to sail at 8am and again at 1pm with Capt. Mike.
There was no combo trip or Striper trip tonight. Both trips will set sail tomorrow, Saturday Night at 7pm. Plenty of room so if interested please call the office to book a reservation for either one.