Captain Greg reported a decent day on the cod grounds. We started off on the local groups and found mountains of sea bass to work on. Before 10am we had a full limit of bomber sea bass. There was a few cod in the mix but the sea bass were the star. We went in search of more cod but we found sea bass everywhere we dropped. We had a good day by days end but slower on the codfish.
Captain Mike reported good day on the tog ground. Near a full limit of white chins. Biggest fish on the day was 10 pounds. Lots of shorts in the mix as well. Some sea bass and pair of codfish. Sailing tomorrow at 6am with plenty of room.
It seems somone might have walked off the boat with the wrong rod. We have your spinning rod in the office. We hope when you get home you notice you grabbed the wrong one. The rod in question is a jigging world with a shimano reel